Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Freezing your homegrown produce
A combination of Mother Nature, lots of worm poo, care & and attention and sheer luck, has produced a vast quantity of vegetables and fruit from my vegetable patch. Perhaps I need to get better at timing my planting so as to stagger my harvest, but this year everything has arrived at once. I'm doing pretty well munching my way through a wide variety of salad leaves but there's only a certain amount of peas one girl can eat. Some of the extra produce, I'm donating to friends and family but it seems a shame not to try to keep back some of the produce to use later on in the year.
So, I'm attempting to freeze my homegrown vegetables and fruit.
My Mum is expert at freezing vegetables (not her only talent, I should point out), having had plenty of practice freezing the excess produce from my Dad's vegetable patch. She tells me that there are many vegetables and fruit that will still taste delicious several months after freezing- reassuring me that they won't lose their taste or flavour.
Peas and beans are ideal for freezing. I blanched the beans by boiling them in water for a few minutes, and then popped them into plastic bags and into the freezer. With the peas, I shelled them first, which is a really satisfying job. I highly recommend doing it in the sunshine with a glass of something chilled and white. I then blanched them slightly, bagged them up and popped them in the freezer. My Mum's top tip for freezing peas is to make sure you use young, juicy ones, rather than older, starchier ones.
Tomatoes are very versatile and can be frozen raw or cooked. I began by cooking the tomatoes, then peeling them but, after a while, I decided it was just as easy to leave them raw and decide what to do with them when I want to use them. Freezing tomatoes means you will need to cook them after defrosting them because they will go a bit mushy but this is perfectly harmless.
Herbs are also great for freezing and, unlike dried herbs, can be used in the same quantities as when fresh. Although herbs will look limp and when defrosted, this will not affect their flavour as this will stay for several months after being frozen. You don't need to blanch them and they can just be bagged and frozen straight away. I've read that you can can put a few herbs into ice cube trays, mixed with water, and this makes a convenient way to use them straight from frozen as you simply plonk the ice cube straight into whatever you're cooking. Personally, I haven't tried this as my ice cube trays are fully stocked and ready for the evening G&Ts but it does, nevertheless, seem like a good idea.
Berry fruits just cry out to be frozen! You can make mixed bags of whatever takes your fancy, such as raspberries, blackcurrants and gooseberries, put them in the freezer after washing and de-stalking them, and you'll have readymade mixtures for crumbles, jams, pies and any number of delicious treats.
And finally, a useful but easily forgotten (if you're me) tip: label all your bags! It's really annoying if you come to find a bag of beans and can't distinguish it from the gooseberries. Sounds silly? Believe me, things look different covered in ice.
Thursday, 15 July 2010
We've got bees!
I came across this fascinating piece of information when Richard, our Farm Manager and, so it seems resident bee keeper, came across a swarm of bees flying about outside our office.
Rob immediately got excited at the prospect of an excuse to leave his desk and was off and out of the office as fast as if the bees had been wriggling about in his pants.
To keep and care for a swarm of bees, you've got to house them somewhere. Not only that, you've got to convince them that they want to live in the house that you're providing them with. So, Richardset up a box, near to where the bees were hanging out, with some ivy honey that his bees had made last year, to entice them.
After a couple of days, the box was full of bees happily munching on honey. Next job was to get them into a hive, which will become their permanent home. And this is where the marching comes in. Richard placed the box near to the opening of the hive, put some honey into the hive and waited. Before long, hundreds of bees were marching up the ramp into their new home. Magic! A few were dawdling, so these were helped along with the aid of a dustpan to scoop them up, although Richard assures us no bees were injured during this process.
Once installed in their hive, Richard has to settle them in and eventually get them making honey. The process of making honey will take at least 2 years.
To me, the buzzing of bees is synonymous with Summer. A lazy, sunny day just wouldn't be the same without that familiar hum. Unfortunately though, bees are on the decline, thanks to a multitude of reasons, mostly connected with modern living.
I try to keep this blog pretty light-hearted but I hope you'll excuse a rather chilling quote from Albert Einstein who makes things pretty clear: "If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe, then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man."
Safe to say, we're pretty excited about having our own bees to nurture. Bees are great to have around the place. Not only will we hopefully get honey from them but they're brilliant at helping with pollination throughout the farm. They're especially useful for pollinating our strawberries, tomatoes, blueberries, peas and beans.
Watch a video of Richard encouraging the bees into their new home- look closely and you'll see the bees marching. (Apologies for the wonky angle!)
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
An Edible Garden at Glastonbury & other festival tales

Friday, 18 June 2010
Slugs and snails!
With this in mind, I have learnt that regular weeding is imperative as this ensures there are less hiding places for slugs and snails. Similarly, regular picking of crops, particularly leaves, can be effective. Picking strawberries, beans etc. regularly means there is less to tempt the creepy crawlies anyway.
One of the stranger pieces of advice I have received was to think like a slug and act accordingly. A bit weird but also oddly handy. Slugs like to hang out on and in walls, so it makes sense that if you plant things near a wall, the slugs have less far to travel and are more likely to munch your crops there. Canny planting can thus make a real difference to the survival of your crops.
Also, slugs are partial to a midnight snack or two, so a night-time patrol and launching a surprise attack can catch quite a few in the act. I've taken to doing this and (maybe I lead quite a dull life) but it can get quite exciting. Peering behind a leaf, only to discover a slug mid-munch, then removing it carefully to the safety of a distant patch of undergrowth, can be really rather satisfying.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010
He was up there to help out with a rather quirky and exciting project with Cafe Direct. They wanted to film him doing what the Rocket Team happen to think he does rather well: plant stuff.
The Cafe Direct crew have rather cunningly managed to acquire bits and pieces belonging to celebrities, which they've then used as plant containers. And Rob was the man to help them out! Hence, he found himself attacking Stella McCartney's handbag with an electric drill to make drainage holes. Absolute sacrilege, if you ask me!
Designer handbag massacre aside, Rob's adventures have definitely inspired me to want to have a go at growing my own strawberries. And I'm in good company it would seem, as the story goes that Henry VIII loved them and even ate them as a cure for gout.
Strawberries do need a bit of tender loving care- pretty and delicious as they are, they're also ever-so-slightly temperamental.
I'm using traditional strawberry plants, which are far more straightforward to grow than runners. Runners arrive in a dormant state and need to be soaked in water for half an hour and then planted, before they'll spark back into life. They then grow horizontal shoots, which then grow individual roots themselves. Whilst runners can produce more fruit than just plants, if you've only got a small amount of space, they can be a bit of a hassle because they'll root themselves in amongst gaps between other plants and take over. As a novice grower, I've decided to steer clear from this method of growing strawberries, for now.
I'm going to plant a couple of rows of strawberry plants in one of raised beds in the garden- this will hopefully keep me in strawberries for most of the Summer. I'm using an early variety (Honeoye), a mid-season variety (Cambridge Favourite) and a late variety (Judibell) in order to spread out the harvest.
I may well also plant a few pots on a window sill - partly as an experiment to see which grow best and partly because they'll look so pretty. That's the beauty of strawberries, it seems to me though: they'll grow in a variety of locations....pots, raised beds, gro-bags; inside or outside.
Strawberries love lots of compost and also a layer of straw laid amongst the plants keeps them protected and happy. I'm fast becoming a fan of worm cast fertiliser, so I'll put a good handful of it in each hole, before popping in each plant.
Strawberries really dislike the cold and frost can kill them so it's really important to cover them in fleece until all danger of frost has passed.
Because of their beautiful, brightly-coloured fruit, strawberries have quite a few admirers in the animal kingdom: slugs, snails, birds and badgers are all partial to the fruit. Regular checking of the plants and removing any pesky slugs and snails will hopefully solve that problem. Covering the plants in netting should stop birds from attacking. Badgers could prove a little more tricky, however....I'll keep you posted.
Although a little nervous that my plants survive, I'm really excited about picking my first crop of fruit and eating whole piles of them, slathered in Cornish Clotted Cream!
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Borlotti Beans

Monday, 3 May 2010
Earthing Up Potatoes

Sunday, 25 April 2010
Salad leaves

Monday, 12 April 2010
Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Raised beds (part 2)
I’ve been thinking a lot about the garden over the last month, this is a lot to do with the pile of wood staring at me through the office window. My normal way of tackling a project is to get stuck in and work my way through problems as they arise. I’ve had mixed success with this way of working, but since I’m having to explain what I’m doing and there’s the potential for loads of people to see me muck this up, planning seems to have taken a front seat.
To kick this planning process off I decided to measure out the space I had available. After a frustrating half hour of searching for a tape measure, I gave up and moved onto plan b. I’m not entirely sure on the accuracy of this method but it suited my needs just fine – logging onto Google Earth I found that my patch measures 19m/13m.
Armed with my dubious measurements, an excellent selection of stationary I’d liberated from the office, I set to making a scale plan of the garden. To make life easy I choose a 1cm to 1m scale, with this I drew out the tiny 19cm by 13cm garden onto A3 paper.
At this point I had to decide how I was going to rotate my vegetable patch. There are a few schools of thought here. Because I have plenty of space and wood I thought I’d try two of them- the 3 and 4 bed rotations. As the title suggests, I need 4 beds for one of them and 3 for the other. I also want a bed for rhubarb, one for asparagus, one for flowers to attract bees, one for strawberries and a spare one just in case I run out of room. That's a total of 12 beds.
During the build I wanted to waste as little material as possible. With this in mind, I decided on making a good proportion of the beds 5m long as this was the length the wood arrived in. I found some old card and cut out a few 5/1.2m beds to my crafty new scale and laid them out onto the garden plan to see how they would fit in. Once these were on the paper I soon realised that I couldn’t make all 12 beds 5m long. After a bit of sliding beds around I decided that 6 would fit in quite nicely. This meant the four beds for one of the rotations were sorted, plus my strawberry bed and spare one. Based on the space I had left, I cut out some 3/1.2cm beds and slid these around until I found that five fitted in. This covered the 3 bed rotation, rhubarb bed and asparagus. With a good space free in the centre of the garden and an excellent supply of willow in the woods at the bottom of the farm, I decided on a 3m round bed for all the pretty flowers.
Once I was happy with how everything was laid out I found a tape measure and ventured outside to double check the garden measurements. Reasonably happy with how everything worked out, I checked that the Rocket crew were happy with it and then firmed up the design with a biro. Planning completeish, I’d better head into the workshop and start building.
Cheers and gone,
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Jamie's Plot (Seed Potatoes, part 2)
Jamie's a little bit more experienced than I am at gardening and has quite a large space to fill. I haven't measured it and neither has he but it must be somewhere in the region of 50 square metres that he's got to play with.
The plot hasn't been used for several years and so needed a lot of tlc before Jamie could begin to start planting. Brambles had pretty much taken over the whole site, so firstly he had to get his strimmer out and clear it all. Next up, he had to roughly mark out where he was going to have each plot and dig over the ground. He did this all by hand, using a shovel and then a hoe. It took him a whole afternoon to do this but, having watched him work, I think it would probably have taken me about two weeks. He then covered the freshly-dug soil with compost.
So far, he's planted his potatoes as finally the ground has warmed up enough to do so without delaying their growth. He's planted 40 of Rocket Gardens' seed potatoes; a few of each of our varieties.
Like me, Jamie has planted early varieties of potatoes, which should harvest by May. Not only does this mean we should get to eat our delicious crops sooner, rather than later, it also means we should avoid the perils of potato blight, which I hear is one of the greatest risks to potato crops. Although early varieties are particularly susceptible to the disease, it doesn't usually hit until July so we should miss it.
For those of you planning later potato crops, here is some info' about potato blight, as I understand it:
- Potato blight is a fungus-like organism, which affects the green parts of the potato plant, causing them to fall apart.
- Wet, soggy leaves are one of the causes of potato blight so watering the plants can help spread the disease. It's best to water the soil around the plant, rather than all over the leaves.
- Growing several varieties, especially when laid out in alternative rows, can help reduce the spread of the disease.
- Warm, dry, sunny conditions are the best way to fend off blight- those of you who have experienced our British 'Summers' can see why we need to worry about the disease!
- If you do get blight, pull off the infected areas and discard them by throwing them away or burning them- don't use them for compost.
I got my information from, which also has a blight watch service, so you can keep an eye on prevalence of the disease in your area.
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Forcing Rhubarb
Everything I've read and every conversation I've had about rhubarb tells me that it's the easiest thing to grow. Perfect for a beginner like me, then. Although you can grow rhubarb from seed, apparently year-old plants, called crowns, are the best way to do it. I'm more than happy to let someone else do the hard work for me, so I collected some ready-made crowns from the greenhouses at Rocket Gardens. These pinky-greeny fleshy blobs (I'm getting really technical here) come in 3-litre pots and just the tip of the crown pokes out the top of the soil.
Monday, 8 March 2010
Raised beds from recycled materials
I realised late last week that not everyone has a saw mill with a friendly owner nearby. Not only that, it’s not always that easy to transport materials from a saw mill unless you have a trailer or van. This started me thinking about other cheap or free materials that are available for creating beds or containers. I’m sure you’ll be able to come up with more interesting ideas than I have but here a few to get you going.
Firstly, used car tyres are brilliant. They can be fitted in the back of a car and can be picked up for nothing from a local tyre fitter. They're great for growing carrots, courgettes or even spuds, if you stack them on top of one another. Raised beds made out of tyres look a bit like the tyre walls in the Grand Prix. They also hold compost rather well, too.
Old soft drink cans are pretty handy if you can collect enough of them. We’ve built raised beds from them in the past by sticking them together using silicone (which can be bought from a DIY store) and then making them into a circular raised bed.
If you have any builders nearby, see if you can get hold of the big nylon bags that sand comes in. They hold compost really quite well and if you don’t grab them they’ll probably get put in the bin.
Reclamation yards are also a brilliant source of building goodies. They will have a whole host of fantastic things to grow in- old floor boards, bricks and a million other things, if you keep your mind open.
If you have any ideas that you’d like to share, please comment and tell everyone about it.
I'm back off to the slopes!
Cheers and gone,
Thursday, 4 March 2010
Growing Potatoes (part 1)

Not so very long ago, I imagined that you just dug a hole in the ground, stuck in some potatoes you had lying around that you hadn't yet baked, fried or mashed, and waited for them to magically sprout more little tatties. Surprise, surprise; there's actually a little more to it than that.
In order to get any harvest at all, you have to use chitted seed potatoes. (Chitted means potatoes that have little green shoots poking out them.) Each shoot is new growth and, once in the ground, will be where the new harvest of potatoes will grow from. A good number of shoots on each seed potato is 2 to 3- any more than that and there won't necessarily be enough food from the original potato to supply all the new growth.
So, I've had a delivery of ready-chitted potatoes and I'm ready to get going! Although I could have planted them straight into the garden, the ground is still a little bit cold (the ideal temperature to get them moving quickly is 9 degrees c. Anything lower than 4 degrees c and they stay dormant.) So, instead I've put the seed potatoes into egg boxes (one potato in each egg holder.) I've placed them with their green shoots facing upwards and set them all on a sunny windowsill in my kitchen. I also kept each potato variety seperated and labeled them, too- the theory being that I can do the same when I plant them out and be able to keep track of what I'm digging up.
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Raised Beds (part 1)
I have an area just outside the office that’s 14 metres by 18 metres that I’d like to fill with 6 raised beds. I’m going to try and do everything quickly and on the cheap to prove that gardening doesn’t have to be expensive or all-consuming. I want to create a garden for all the rocket staff to use and enjoy that looks nice and is easy to maintain.
Over the weekend I went down to see a friendly chap at a local sawmill and picked up a load of waste timber to build my beds from. This is a much cheaper option than using railway sleepers or wood bought from the builders merchants, not only that it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside to be using something that no-one else wants.
During the coming week I’ll draw up a garden plan, mark out the beds and I’ll post about it next week so you can see how I got on.
Cheers and gone,
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
Welcome to Rocket Gardens' blog!
- a way to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes at Rocket HQ
- somewhere to answer your questions about planting, harvesting and cooking somewhere you can share you successes, advice and ask us any burning gardening questions about planting, harvesting and cooking somewhere you can share you successes, advice and tips with us and other Rocketeers... and ask us any burning gardening questions you might have.
- Altough there's quite a few of us that make up the Rocket Gardens team, to start with, it'll be Rob and me (Kimberley) who'll be the main Rocket bloggers. However, there may well be other members of the team who add bits and pieces as we go along.

It's all good fun though and certainly keeps life exciting down on the farm. Rob will be writing about what he's getting up to and what that means for your Rocket Gardens.
I'm Kimberley and honestly, I'm pretty new to this gardening game, having lived in the city for several years. Being Rob's sister though, I couldn't escape Rocket World forever and last Summer I gave into the pull of my Cornish roots and returned home. I now work at Rocket HQ, supposedly focusing on the PR side of things but I quite often find myself doing slightly odd things like transporting 5000 bags for packing cabbage to a windswept field on the edge of the farm. I still haven't worked out whether this is because of my diverse range of skills or simply because I'm Rob's sister and therefore easily manipulated.
This year will be my first attempt at growing fruit and vegetables but I'm fully intending to throw myself wholeheartedly into living the good life and I can't wait to get planting my little seedlings. I'm going to be writing about my attempts to get to grips with gardening, as well as sharing advice, tips and recipes that I manage to pick up along the way.
So that's it for now! See you back here in a few days time, when we'll (hopefully) have something interesting for you to read.
Alternatively, you can check out our website or Facebook